How sustainable is



Cupro is an artificial cellulose fiber made from cotton waste. In order to obtain the ready to weave yarn, the extracted cellulose is soaked in a bath of a chemical solution called «cuprammonium », hence the name Cupro. Large amounts of water and chemicals are used in the production of Cupro, and even though they are reused many times, some chemicals used are still considered toxic and harmful to humans and nature. Most Cupro is produced in China where waste water treatment is not always very regulated. So even though the main material is collected from a waste product, we don’t consider Cupro to be a very environmental friendly fibre cause of the high usage of toxic chemicals.

bergstrand material GUIDE ranking*

There is not enough transparency about the process of manufacture.


Banned materials are those that we strongly recommend to discontinue for use in clothing production due to their negative environmental or health impacts. These materials may be highly toxic or non-biodegradable, and may pose a risk to the environment and to workers.
* The Bergstrand Material Guide Ranking is only a guide. Our consultants can help with accurate assessments of your brand’s use of materials.
Photography credit:
Säntis Textiles

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