How sustainable is



Polyester is a synthetic fabric that is derived from petroleum, so a non-renewable material. It is one of the most common fabrics in the world because of its versatility and how cheap it is to produce. Polyester is typically a soft fabric, it is made from plastic and is scientifically known as polyethylene terephthalate. The transformation of crude oil into petrochemicals releases toxins into the atmosphere that are dangerous to humans and nature. Plastic materials also releases microplastics when worn and washed. Polyester material is also used to make PET-bottles. In recent years it has become popular to make fabrics from recycled PET-bottles. But while recycling PET-bottles is a relatively closed-loop system, when PET-bottles are made into fabric, it cannot be readily recycled again. Recycled polyester from PET-bottles is not a sustainable option. Polyester is not biodegradable.

bergstrand material GUIDE ranking*



Banned materials are those that we strongly recommend to discontinue for use in clothing production due to their negative environmental or health impacts. These materials may be highly toxic or non-biodegradable, and may pose a risk to the environment and to workers.
* The Bergstrand Material Guide Ranking is only a guide. Our consultants can help with accurate assessments of your brand’s use of materials.
Photography credit:
Killari Hotaru

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