How sustainable is



Fur is a very controversial material and many fashion brands have decided to ban the use of fur in their garments. In fashion, fur from mink, rabbits and foxes can be used. The animals are often farmed for their fur which is not acceptable from an animal welfare perspective. If fur is to be used, it is important to not use fur from farmed animals, to know the origin as well as the method of capture. We recommend to avoid the use of new animal fur in products. Some possible exceptions can be when the fur is a by-product from the meat industry, such as sheep hides, or if they can be sourced from indigenous sources such as reindeer hides. Unfortunately there is no reliable certification to buy responsible fur.

bergstrand material GUIDE ranking*



Discouraged materials may be made from synthetic or non-renewable resources, and may be produced using methods that have a high environmental impact. While these materials may be less expensive or easier to work with than other options, they may not be the most sustainable or ethical choices for clothing production.
* The Bergstrand Material Guide Ranking is only a guide. Our consultants can help with accurate assessments of your brand’s use of materials.
Photography credit:
Vita Leonis

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